I harvested all of this Afina leaf celery. It seemed like a small patch, but there is lots of it. A pound and a half of fluffy leaves took up the whole counter. I triple-washed them and was trying to dry them somewhat before packing them in freezer bags and popping into the freezer. I had already de-stemmed them, washed the stems, and frozen them in separate bags.
We don’t eat a lot of celery. But this is easy to grow and has good flavor. This was the only plant that thrived in the rather shady spot under the cucumber trellis. I tried cilantro there, and lettuces, carrots, kale and fennel – they all missed the full sun and grew halfheartedly.
This makes an excellent addition to vegetable stock and is a good parsley substitute. This year I barely grew any parsley and I’ve missed having it around.
Someday I will have a dehydrator. That would work better than the freezer for this leafy stuff, I think.