The Latin word incunabulum (plural incunabula, and often anglicized as incunable) literally means cradle, and more loosely refers to the infancy, birthplace or origin of something.
from Psymon Web Bindery
An incantation is a spell or verbal charm used in magic rituals.
Incarnation, which literally means enfleshment, refers to the conception, and live birth of a sentient creature (generally human) who is the material manifestation of an entity or force whose original nature is immaterial. Incarnation should be carefully distinguished from the phenomenon of apotheosis, which is the temporary manifestation of a divine or archetypal force, entity or energy within and through a human being during the course of ritual, religious exercise, meditation, or other spiritual activities.
An incantabula is a pwoermd that popped into my head the other night, and it marks the birth of a new home for material manifestation of subtle energies, verbal charm, and general con/fabulation here at gemtactics-dot-net.
from louder, the new incarnation