Purely decorative

I took a photo of this twig in the shape of half a heart in the ice on the driveway. I manipulated the photo to try to make it whole. Not completely successful, but...

Discovering ice

“Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendía was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice.” First sentence of One Hundred Years of Solitude,...

100% rye

I’ve been wanting to make rye bread for a long time. The recipes I came across always scared me off because they warned the dough was so sticky, or they were overly complicated, or...

wicked cold

We didn’t have that much snow yesterday. Some of it fell as sleet or rain, and then turned to ice. Today we have high winds and lots of blowing snow. Drifts are forming. And...

Mending, continued

A little cabin fever today. I definitely felt stuck in the house. Cold, lots of ice. I walk five days a week to satisfy my step counter app, but I’ve completed my five days...

Staying in

We stayed inside most of the day. Snow, then rain — general wintry precipitation and temps hovering around freezing. The snow is heavy now and difficult to shovel. I did a few things that...


We’re having a real Maine winter. It’s beautiful and welcome. More snow in the forecast, and lots of cold. I am not oblivious to the political chaos going on in this country and around...