A hellish spring continues in the US and the world. But the garden is growing, starting to take shape.
First tomato row, almost done mulching. A few casualties of June 1 frost may need to be replaced. Two zucchinis, and a patty pan. Under row cover: kale and cabbage seedlings from Chuck. Mixed greens. Not too much happening here yet except a lot of volunteer fingerlings and a daisy ready to bloom. Carrots, beets, some alliums (invisible still). Self-sown cilantro. The big thing in the middle is “Turkish Rocket” which I don’t know what to do with. Celery and celeriac. A ground cherry and an artichoke.Fava beans – Windsor on left and Vroma on right. At top of row, pea trellis with lettuce and spinach at base. Broccoli and a few cabbage freed from protective row cover for the moment. Tiny heads showing on a few of the early variety broccolis. Potato row. “Keepers.” I planted them in the middle, they all came up on the left side (?). Another artichoke. Two more tomato rows, flanked by a giant lush comfrey. we haven’t installed the cattle panel trellises yet. Flower row and garlic row outside fence. Only forget-me-nots are blooming so far. Pink and blue!At the top of those rows: four asparagus raised beds. The further three have a squash planted in them. In past years, we’ve been able to train these squash up over the chicken run. Corner trellis has cucumber along the edge. Inside: lettuce, arugula, spinach, kale, escarole and weeds. Yet-to-germinate green beans along far edge.