The garden turned a corner in the last day or two from really half-hearted, barely making it, to growing too fast to keep up with. Lots of rain, interspersed with a day or two of sunshine and no real heat yet to speak of. These photos were taken late in the day, 7 pm or thereabouts, so the garden appears somewhat gloomy.
Scallions and parsnips from last year going to seed. Artichokes in the foreground doing well.The tomato cathedral made from cattle panels.Beautiful dark red Salanova lettuces. Pelleted seeds from Johnny’s, really easy to plant.Fingerlings from Wood Prairie and soybeans from Fedco.The beloved Windsor fava beans from Fedco are blooming, two packets planted this year.Broccoli heads forming. This may be DeCicco or Aspabroc from PineTree, not sure. The broccoli was protected from flea beetle under row cover, and grew well, only to get partially destroyed by a porcupine the one night we left the electric fence off.The three sisters row has turned into four sisters counting the volunteer potatoes growing there.Sam is making the last of the bean tripods.Bean tripods installed and ready for rattlesnake pole beans to climb.View of the garden from the tool shed door. We are eating lots of asparagus and some nice mixed salads.