Tagged: yard

early flowers

March 30 – morning snow shower – temperatures just above freezing. Watching Werner Herzog’s “Happy People: A Year on the Taiga” over the weekend gave me a whole new appreciation for spring snow.

sky skin

Taking photos of the sky at night. Low clouds reflect ground light in different ways. It is hard to capture in the photos, but there is a range of moody, moving colors. I feel...

ready and waiting

Ready to say goodbye to February. Waiting for a loved one to get back in touch…someday. It’s still cold. Walking in the neighborhood. A longer route takes me down Woodway Road to Hoyt Street....

february morning

A chorus of unusual, liquid, and arousing bird calls while shoveling the car out this morning. I spoke to the birds, I don’t remember what I said. I know I didn’t have the right...

coating of snow

Yes I know, it’s cold in the Northeastern US. My rule of thumb: Never complain about the weather. Be happy to let the weather do whatever it needs to do. One thing I feel...