Tagged: walking


Raining. Franklin. Thoughts posted on the iPad: Daydreaming about living in Maine. Wondering about how / if I can return to cloth. Wondering if I can apply cloth-like techniques to paper. paper in General...

odds and ends

I walked in the neighborhood again today. It is so different from the woods. Lots of cars. Noisy. I can’t drive to a walking destination – my car is in use for holiday and...


Sometimes the image should come first? Trees standing with clarity in sunlight and shadow. Words are not readily available these days. The steps mean something to me. A form of language. Today’s walk –...


Mianus River Park 4 miles Cool, perfectly comfortable Off-road cyclists in out-of-the-way places I walked trails I have never walked before. River Road to Inner Road which becomes Pine Hill. Left turn on Oak...


Today thinking about creativity. Unlikely comparisons of my work product and Jude Hill’s beautiful spirit cloths. Thumbnails, sketching. Principles. Knowing when you need more input. A certain amount of trust and experience, trust in...

where does this go

Leon Levy Preserve ? miles (cell phone battery quit) mild sun light crust of snow Interesting to hike with snow on the ground. The trail becomes obvious from other people’s and dogs’ tracks. This...