Tagged: Schoodic

Anvil Trail

Three trails actually: Anvil Trail to start, then Schoodic Head Trail, finally Alder Trail back to Blueberry Hill parking lot. We got back to the parking lot just before dark, which is coming at...

Schoodic bog loop

We took an enjoyable hike last weekend. The bugs are just starting to come out. They were a little bothersome, but not terrible. We got too warm – it’s hard to know how to...

Winter into spring

Yesterday there was beautiful sunshine. We went to the Blue Hill Co-op to do our monthly big bulk grocery shopping. For two people, we sure do eat a lot of food. After this, we...

A boggy weekend

So I’ve been busy – walking. Or should I say hiking. I never really understood what makes the distinction, but hiking sounds more robust, doesn’t it. On Friday, walked around here in the rain....

Schoodic bog revisit

This mountain is dominating my life. In a good way. Marvelous even. Yesterday I went hiking with Deb along a trail that I walked pre-pandemic. It was good to revisit it. I didn’t remember...

Red oak

We hiked up Schoodic Mountain this morning. Now I’m overwhelmed with stuff to do before going to Connecticut for mom’s services. But I don’t regret it. It was a beautiful morning to be outdoors....

Schoodic cycling

Yesterday morning, we took an excursion with the bicycles to the Schoodic Point side of Acadia. I’ve taken brief walks on the bike trails there, but never bicycled them. Many years ago, we rode...