poetry crawl
Not officially a walk but qualifies, being as it’s called a crawl Blue Hill Word Festival four poets, four locations Henry Finch, wine shop “Key Largo” Mikhu Paul, book store “Catch” Beatrix Gates, MAE,...
Not officially a walk but qualifies, being as it’s called a crawl Blue Hill Word Festival four poets, four locations Henry Finch, wine shop “Key Largo” Mikhu Paul, book store “Catch” Beatrix Gates, MAE,...
the wisdoms of the universes in a single string of letters A record of the 2013 International Pwoermd Writing Month I beliving in anthologies.
You’ve said you personally are “constantly on the lookout for what Rosanna Warren described so very well: work that floodlights the true oddness of life in the crafted oddness of language.†From Kaveh Akbar’s...