Tagged: Margo Klass

October begins

I saw two new birds at the feeder today. That is surely a sign of seasonal change. One was a woodpecker, black and white. He didn’t belong at the feeder, but he was tapping...

Foldable screen structure

Amazingly, I was able to attend Margo Klass’s workshop at Chapter Two. In person. In spite of the virus and catching a cold. Grateful. I always learn a lot from Margo and she inspires...

Buttonhole books

The second book I made at a Chapter II workshop with Margo Klass was the buttonhole book. I really enjoyed making this structure and made a second one at home. I bought more large...

Concertina Album

I made this book in Margo Klass’s workshop at Chapter Two in Corea. It was a lot of fun to make. I would like to make another just like it to challenge myself! The...

Plant portraits

Sixteen plant portraits on Hahnemühle Ingres paper I made these in preparation for Margo Klass’s concertina class tomorrow. I will need to use 8 to 12 of them for glueing into the album. When...

Coptic 9

Margo Klass said we would need to make 10 Coptic bound books to really internalize the stitch. I made number 9 last week. This book has eight sections and eight braids. I revisited the...