Tagged: golden houses

Building, landscaping

Some weeks ago, I decided I wanted to move forward on my golden houses project. I laid them out and thought about stitching them down. But – this step was premature. I realized I...


I looked up “Candlemas.” It’s a Christian holiday that was originally a Celtic celebration of the cross-quarter day, or midpoint between the solstice and the equinox. For me personally, I decided to make it...


Something new I’m experiencing – at almost 67 years old (Thursday!). Going back to a project months or years later, continuing. Mending. Assembling and reassembling. Reusing. This feels new. Or maybe it feels old...

Golden houses backgrounds

I had a lot of fun applying a layer of stitching embellishments to each of the 12 golden houses. Then I chose some tentative backgrounds to stitch them to, eventually planning for a patchwork...

Golden houses

Some of the details of the work in progress, stitching extra layers onto these houses:

Forgotten details

I must have stitched these little row of colors here. No memory of doing it. It was fun to find.

Houses revisited

Jude is stitching a series of cloths based on the concept of home. This inspired me of course to pull out my golden houses from last year and take another look at them. Last...