Tagged: fragments

word count 83

Write something containing the word “appalling.” • Overheard: “I don’t feel like it’s getting me where I want to go.” • I have two bales of straw in the back of my car, free...

walking without metaphors

Fragments function almost completely without metaphors. They are replaced by gestures. A gesture is a sensory observation, a riff of thought which is complete in itself; in this completeness, it lures the reader into...

a day to unword

“A Day to Unword” – Some fragments online in Fraglit’s current issue Philosophical Notebooks

a tone

her tone of confidential awfulness – this is a house of wax


hunting for something, hunting hard sometimes you come up short, just dust and particles

long form

This is the long form. This is the long relax. This is the long white whine. Where is the invention? Where are the roots of literature? The form is a worm.