Tagged: birds

burst of cool

Energized by a burst of cool weather. Anything is possible. Confession: “I miss my imagination.” I have been drawing from life, and working on staying in the present moment, and pursuing physical fitness, and...

back, sketching

I’ve been home from India for over a month. Just starting to feel like I know what to do next. I signed up for a drawing class with Roz Stendhal. Her blog has been...

“the nest”

My sense of home has been challenged these past few days, working on getting my parents’ house ready to sell. I lived there six years from 7th grade through high school, and then summers...

ready and waiting

Ready to say goodbye to February. Waiting for a loved one to get back in touch…someday. It’s still cold. Walking in the neighborhood. A longer route takes me down Woodway Road to Hoyt Street....

february morning

A chorus of unusual, liquid, and arousing bird calls while shoveling the car out this morning. I spoke to the birds, I don’t remember what I said. I know I didn’t have the right...


Three days in the Everglades – amazing, challenging, heartbreaking. We were outdoors a lot more than usual. The two most intense physical experiences were hiking through clouds of mosquitoes and kayaking in pouring rain....