Tagged: Acadia

Anvil Trail

Three trails actually: Anvil Trail to start, then Schoodic Head Trail, finally Alder Trail back to Blueberry Hill parking lot. We got back to the parking lot just before dark, which is coming at...

beachcroft path

We walked this trail on October 19th, 2024 (Saturday). I wanted to post it because I might want to look it up in the future. We’ve walked it before. Maybe four times? I would...

Eagle lake walk

It’s been a busy week. The days have passed so quickly now that it’s more possible to work outside. We went to Mount Desert Island on Tuesday. I wanted to buy some seed starting...

Thursday bike ride

Second year in a row, we take some bike rides in Acadia National Park in October. It’s a great time for us to go to the park. Summer crowds are gone. Weather can still...

eastern mountains, acadia

Don’t slander by saying that a green mountain cannot walk and an eastern mountain cannot travel on water. …there is a moment when a mountain gives birth to a mountain child. …all mountains are...