Tagged: 60


sign along route 1 for Advent Vespers I decided to go found a small group struggling to sing the vespers service from sheet music I can sort of follow it singing sporadically in choirs...

fire and me

I can light a fire but it’s not something I do regularly with thoughtless rhythm so many mistakes – not enough kindling/paper/birch bark smothering the fire with wood inexpert air flow regulation to name...


Waterfall Arts is closed will have to come back again shopping at the co-op for Blair’s Christmas presents emphasizing seaweed co-op cafe busy with lunch customers many women who look like me – disheveled...

fiber work

almost finished with my latest hat Suzanne’s yarn + Forage Color started recycling mom’s handmade blanket hand-me-down with a theme of “sleeping bag” I can salvage the pieced top the rotten back, batting, and...

long ledges hike

play of clouds with occasional squall of snow spongy trail through conifers fallen trees and boulders moss pillows, emerald green on shores of woodland pools glowing green against the sky’s matte gray reflection beaver...

friday fun

start at Edwards wine tasting with cheese and crackers, shrimp and cocktail sauce Jeff’s photography on display then an interlude at Airline Brewing while waiting for a table my beer – a Scottish export...


i exercize my skillz all day cook eggz and toazt write up my goalz for 2017 fine-tune the mockupz, changing out checkboxz for dropdownz review the time feed with the team pontificate on the...