Category: Walking

March going

I heard gobbling before dawn. I continued to hear it on and off until I got up. Went downstairs and told my partner I heard gobbling, asked him if he was gobbling (joke). Then...


I walked today. It felt like a rare privilege, since I don’t walk when the weather’s challenging. It was warmer today and sunny. The road was covered with sand, unpleasantly gritty, and there was...


I walked in the rain yesterday. Just a little rain, but enough to get a bit wet. The ocean was lapping at the shore, with high tide and wind-driven waves. I was having a...

Sky blanket

November is slowly revealing what I appreciate about this time of year. The peaceful colors in the sky at this time of day (3:00 pm) for one thing.

On the edge

A big storm to the south of us. This morning, on my walk, the island (MDI) looked shrouded and maybe rainy. But just a hint of rain and wind here so far. I love...

October wonders

I ordered new glasses today. A big milestone and relief. It’s a long story I won’t go into right now. I took a late afternoon walk as clouds rolled in. I noticed this view...