Category: Uncategorized

story strategy

just so happens I’m in Montvale for the big ITS Global strategy meeting new logo switched from pillars to a circle at storytelling time my strategy to be naive, direct and open about my...

romeo papa quebec

Taiwan call trying to prepare log in to my laptop early can’t get in – password rejected need to call the support line need to read a long code using phonetic characters then they...

happiness in pleasantville

long backup on the Tappan Zee late for dinner with Suzanne at Bollywood Grill in Pleasantville she’s waiting for me, reading when I anxiously arrive discussing Agnes Martin whether her work really represented positive...

agnes martin

train to Grand Central subway to 86th street walk to Guggenheim spiral up, then down observing her tense grids expansive also delicate often hints of color insisting subject is beauty happiness freedom innocence I...

self soothing

Sunday in Connecticut alone a day of relaxation drawing practice with brush pen decaf latte, salad bar, and scone at Whole Foods bought a cookbook “Whole Bowls” and two notebooks didn’t buy the yoga...

professional photography

it’s recommended but are they crazy? comparing photographs on zillow we could do at least as well we’re not ready but last opportunity for Sam to photograph before he leaves and dogwood’s fall color...

train station dramas

1) train is late, scramble when it pulls in, get Natalie boarded and ourselves unboarded, forget I’m holding her cloth bag, hand off to conductor speeding by, “Give this to that lady!” 2) exiting...