Category: plants

Last bloomers

It’s an absolutely beautiful October day. I decided to photograph the last flowers blooming in the yard. A lot of insects got into the photo shoot.

October getting going

The lemon tree in the container is blooming its heart out. Smells delightful. I don’t know much about growing lemons in Maine, but I know the pot is heavy and Sam has to lug...

magic all around

A day of settling in. Cloudy, but no rain. Yesterday, rain kept me inside most of the day except for a walk between showers. I revisited a lot of the works-in-progress I had going...

Home, and it’s September

I am done with traveling and out-of-town visitors for the summer. Relieved. It’s time to settle in and reconnect. I took a very small stitching project with me. A pocket cloth sunflower like Jude...


Rain today. So welcome. I went to a family reunion – brothers, sisters, partners, kids. And my son came from Denver. This was a big deal because he hasn’t been east in don’t-know-how-many-years. He...


Women’s association with such knowledge extends back to some of the earliest surviving depictions of the human form: the ubiquitous sculpted female figurines of the last Ice Age with their woven headgear, string skirts...

fiber and food

Textiles, basketry, network, matting and cordage were most likely always developed in parallel with the cultivation of edible plants, which also implies the development of mathematical and geometrical knowledge that is (quite literally) intertwined...