Category: plants

Old Pond Railway Trail

My walk today brought me down Old Pond Railway Trail. Sam & I walked this way yesterday, and I saw a large patch of lichen windfall. I wanted to go back today and do...

Domestic December

Yesterday the wind kicked up and it really started storming after dark. I took this photo of waves coming in during my morning walk. It was hard to fall asleep last night in the...


I am taking some time to feel gratitude today. For plants, for my garden, for all the giving that goes on in the world. And look at this! A fresh angel wing begonia sprout...

First snow

A gloomy day. Snow early this morning changed to a cold rain, temps in the 30s. We went grocery shopping. It takes all day and is not my favorite thing to do. Although I...

Red oak

We hiked up Schoodic Mountain this morning. Now I’m overwhelmed with stuff to do before going to Connecticut for mom’s services. But I don’t regret it. It was a beautiful morning to be outdoors....


My mom passed away. Yesterday, October 23. Peacefully, at 92 years old. She was a gentle person (except when she wasn’t) and a mother of 8 plus foster children. She did a lot of...

A quieter day

I’ve been studying fall this year – or rather, how winter comes. There’s a lot of flourishes, last of summer days. Then there’s quieter, cloudier days, where the colors stand out that much more....