Category: materials


I’m back home after 5 days in Connecticut and New York, attending Mom’s services and visiting. And driving around, a lot of it, including two trips to JFK Airport. And there was an eclipse...

Fiber at the Fair

I’m always overcome by the predominance of wool at the fair as an agricultural product. I know now there are other fairs that focus on fleece, wool, yarn, etc. But this fair was the...


Rain today. So welcome. I went to a family reunion – brothers, sisters, partners, kids. And my son came from Denver. This was a big deal because he hasn’t been east in don’t-know-how-many-years. He...

Scrappy hearts

I think this is the first time I’ve tried to piece a shape together from small scraps. It wasn’t that hard although it involved a lot of pins. The backing is assembled too, from...

Consolation cloths

I canceled our solstice party today. I was really geared up for it, crossing off to-do lists, cleaning house, soup and bread in progress. But it was getting far too complicated due to Covid....

I heart weaving

This started out to be a triangle but somewhere along the line it turned into a heart. The weft is the four gradations of Gist Yarn’s Array in Burgundy. One thing I learned is...

Natural selection

This morning, I was contemplating how squares might fit together. I grabbed a selection of four-inchers and laid them out. My desire for order asserted itself strongly. I was missing one piece needed to...