Category: materials


Hopeful beginnings, I should say. Both because I have hope for certain results and because success, whatever that means, is not guaranteed. I want to knit a sweater or maybe a vest in this...

A few things

1. I’ll send this photo of my Dirty Threads to Deb Lacativa in response to her blog post request. I might have a few more somewhere, but this is most of them. I’m running...

Indigo dyeing

Dyeing with indigo has always been mysterious. I’d love to have a little vat at home that I could understand and work with. But it’s intimidating. There seem to be so many options and...

Too much

I’m cleaning the art room. Deep cleaning. No guests will be in the guest bedroom for the foreseeable future, so I’m using it as a decision area. Moving all paper supplies into that room....


This is my scribble cloth, that I used to test a few calligraphy pens with the soymilk-based pigment paint. Looks messy, and like something I wouldn’t want to show anyone. Then as I was...

Zero degrees

I feel a little worn out this morning. Last night I read some of The Road by Cormac McCarthy before going to sleep. Probably a mistake. I had nightmares. It is a great book...