Category: weaving

Paper weaving

I used some of this shiny navy blue paper and some saved postcards to experiment with paper weaving. As demonstrated by Helen Hiebert in Ali Manning’s Thursday morning Facebook Live. Fun.

A little weaving

I finally finished this circle weaving experiment. It’s tiny and went fast but I became stuck when I realized I didn’t have enough of the deep turquoise color to complete the background. After setting...

Saffron loom

I broke down and bought myself a little loom with tensioning. I am just so reluctant to weave on the two looms I have because I can’t get or keep the warp threads tight...

Odd jobs

I don’t feel like I did very much today. I worked at the computer for a few hours, which never feels like I have much to show for it. But I also worked on...

A weaving interlude

Weaving is so cool. I really like it, although I feel uneasy with the newness of it and the seemingly vast amount of techniques, lore, and materials out there. Susan Barrett Merrill’s book The...


My second weaving project. I have wanted to make this amulet since I bought this loom and book, The Art of Weaving a Life, by Susan Barrett Merrill. I bought it at Fiber College,...

Starting weaving – again

I’ve started weaving at least twice before in my lifetime, but didn’t get very far. Weaving should be simple in theory, but it is really kind of technical with a lot of terminology and...