Category: weaving

Passing the time

My body and mind are still tuned to the cycles of work-vacation-work. I used to get so energized at work. I found it hard to relax and enjoy downtime. I still tend to have...

Pipe loom debut

I’m weaving a four selvedge piece on a pipe loom. Finally! I convinced Sam to help me by saying it was the only thing I wanted for Christmas. He went directly to the pipe...

May it be

Around and around. This blog has morphed a few times in its lifetime. It had no images for quite awhile. I tried to keep it going with word projects. One year I recorded the...

I heart weaving

This started out to be a triangle but somewhere along the line it turned into a heart. The weft is the four gradations of Gist Yarn’s Array in Burgundy. One thing I learned is...

Playing with color

I bought some “real” weaving yarn – Array from Gist Yarns. It’s new and made in the USA. I wanted to experience what weaving is like with non-knitting yarn. When I ordered, all they...

Irregular rhythms

I’m having difficulty finding a rhythm. The extended warm weather has thrown me off. Today’s clouds and cooler temperatures come as a relief, an invitation to get a little rest and regrouping time. It...

Pile of squares

I’ve stitched quite a few three-inch squares. They are now in a pile. I’m not sure what to do with them from here. But it’s nice to have them around. Mostly blue and green,...