Category: stitching

Stitching houses

I’ve decided to handstitch the houses on to the backgrounds. I have three done, almost four. The colors look washed out in the photos below. They are much more interesting in person, I think....

Stitching fervor, and some silence

My winter of making squares has come to an end. My spring of patching them together is beginning. I subscribe to India Flint’s Substack “floribundineum.” Today she posted this Wendell Berry poem. I liked...

Building, landscaping

Some weeks ago, I decided I wanted to move forward on my golden houses project. I laid them out and thought about stitching them down. But – this step was premature. I realized I...


A new thought – I should really know how many trunks there are on the birch at the top of our driveway. So I counted them. Five. And there’s another birch next to it,...

Winter into spring

Yesterday there was beautiful sunshine. We went to the Blue Hill Co-op to do our monthly big bulk grocery shopping. For two people, we sure do eat a lot of food. After this, we...


I was feeling a little desperate for spring. Spending a lot of time fantasizing what it would be like in spring and summer around here. Walking glumly in the grit and grime with dirty...