Category: sketching

Sketch journal April 2023

We went to France in April 2023 to visit Sam’s daughter who was in pastry school there. Instead of taking my chunky book, I took some paper in a folder and some pens. I...

Sketch journal March 2023

I sketched a lot of rocks. There are a lot of rocks here, so a readily available subject. This drawing shows snow on the rocks – that black and white contrast that I really...

2023 sketch journal

I’m hesitant. But I want to. Look at the sketch journal, which turned out not to be a sketch journal, but lots of experiments in different media and approaches. It’s all over the place....

november drawing practice

When I got back from India in July 2015, I saw an announcement of a drawing course offered by Roz Stendhal. Although I never had a drawing habit before, I was seriously gripped by...

life drawing

Last sketch of the day. Used my new tiny palette mix on top of a few ink pen lines. My favorite part is the ear.