Category: Making

Sketch journal January 2023

The first drawing came from copying something I liked – I can’t remember where I copied this from. I should have made a note on the page. I like the simple graphic nature of...

2023 sketch journal

I’m hesitant. But I want to. Look at the sketch journal, which turned out not to be a sketch journal, but lots of experiments in different media and approaches. It’s all over the place....

This morning

I woke up at dawn. I saw this gleam in the sky. When I put my glasses on, I could see it was a crescent moon, accompanied by a planet. Venus? The dawn was...

Generating joy

Every morning I write an aspiration for the day. Usually, I forget it almost immediately. Today I wrote “generate joy” – a phrase I read that stuck with me. I remembered it often during...

A release of some kind

I have been wanting to make a trace monotype since I discovered what they are. Maybe it was a few years ago that I saw one on Instagram. The medium entered my consciousness. Something...

New binding

I started hand-stitching this binding today. It’s my niece’s quilt, I believe my mom (her grandmother) made it. My niece’s favorite color has always been purple. When looking for a fabric to use, I...