Category: Making

Lotus blossom stab binding

I’ve been working on several bookmaking projects, mostly to use up scraps that have been lying around. I found these two thick covers in my stash. They must have come from a collage pack...

Tipping the Scales socks

It’s becoming a tradition to crochet something this time of year. I love Joanne Scrace’s and Kat Goldin’s The Crochet Project and this year they offered a mystery crochet-along for socks. Perfect! I’ve been...

Scraps diary – complete

I completed the scraps diary on January 2, 2021. Feels good to finish something! My intention is to fill up more of the books I make. So a focus of 2021 will be “content.”...

Year end transformations

I’ve been working on dyeing some of the Maiwa garments over the holidays. The project has taken on a life of its own, as usually happens when I start dyeing. First I realized that...

Homes for the holidays

I’ve found these golden houses so compelling and enjoyable, as well as meaningful, to work on. Although the final state of the piece is not yet clear. I tried a few things with them...

Scraps diary

I put this book together on the spur of the moment. I had some signatures set aside because the edges were badly uneven from inexpert tearing. I had a piece of paste paper that...

Plant fiber baskets

I am having a great time using fiber from the yard to make coil baskets. I’m taking the Baskets from the Garden class from Craft School Oz. She has very different fibers available to...