Category: Making

Bead stitch spine

This is from one of Ali’s Thursday morning demos. Not a very good photo, as you can’t see the beads. I was moved to make it because I really like the effect of the...

Forgotten details

I must have stitched these little row of colors here. No memory of doing it. It was fun to find.

Some simple gifts

I’m wrapping these simple books in used tissue paper to give as gifts. I hope they’re appreciated.

Houses revisited

Jude is stitching a series of cloths based on the concept of home. This inspired me of course to pull out my golden houses from last year and take another look at them. Last...

Gray and gold book

This is the April book from Vintage Page Design’s Handmade Book Club, the sewn-over-tapes binding. I decided to sew organza onto the tapes to fluff them out and add more dimension. There are gaps...

Tunisian crochet hats

In my slow study of routine over the past year-plus of pandemic isolation, I’ve come up with a special time of day I call “mindless mornings.” It starts after tea is prepared, or maybe...

Last tannin bath

I really love the way these garments look when laid out in the vernal pools in the preserve behind the house. I retrieved them this morning. There were other people in the woods, but...