Category: Making

Found object

I saw a scrap of paper that looked like trash on the edge of the rock wall. I picked it up and was surprised to find that it was my practice strip for the...

A Stitchery

Continued from Rags and scraps I stitched all nine patches down to a eco-printed vintage linen square. The background is interesting, but not interesting enough that I hesitate to cover it up. Then I...

Concertina into dyepot

This is a large project from India Flint’s course “being (t)here 2021.” The project’s official name is the nomad’s notebook. I enjoyed plucking bits of plants here and there and assembling the bundle. However,...

Back to basics – nine patches

I just needed to make some simple ninepatches using one inch squares. Something very basic. It is a pleasure to mix and match colors and arrange scraps in a pleasing order. I had to...

Concertina assembled

After a laborious session at the sewing machine, the concertina is assembled (in halves) and ready for dyeing. All in all, it went smoothly with less mistakes than I usually make, I think. I...

India Flint – being (t)here 2021

I joined India Flint’s year-long online workshop. There is no one like India. She frees up my somewhat-restrictive mentality and makes it easy to try new things without a lot of pressure for perfection....

Red Onionskin and Lady’s Mantle

I learned on Instagram that Lady’s Mantle will yield dye. So I cut a large bunch from the front of the house and made an extract with it. I still have a few squares...