Category: Making


It’s really starting to feel like fall. I’ve been curious this year about what contributes to this feeling of change. It doesn’t happen all at once. But I read the signs, even if it’s...

Autumn arrives

It’s been raining heavily most of the day. A solemn feeling. Yesterday I walked. And took these photos of weathered wood (decorated) and wild turkeys. And I was finally able to take a photo...


Saturday there was a cruise on a catamaran in Saco Bay (Southern Maine). My sister and her husband from Delaware came up to visit and my sister in Saco chartered this boat ride. Different...

A lot

I feel energetic today. Maybe because I finished (or started?) some things that had been on my mind for awhile. Yesterday a walk with a friend along the shore that felt like we were...

Curly dock seed

A new dye plant makes itself known! Bits of information and observation came into alignment and I realized this dark brown flag of seeds was curly dock and that it could be used as...

End of season

The colors. The contrasts. The goldenrod holds it. Summer goes out. Wondering about words. Blogging. Stories. A life.

magic all around

A day of settling in. Cloudy, but no rain. Yesterday, rain kept me inside most of the day except for a walk between showers. I revisited a lot of the works-in-progress I had going...