Category: Making


I took a longer walk today so I could visit the beach. Because who knows when I’ll see it again. Snow for the next few days, maybe a lot of it. Then ice as...


I am really interested in making log cabin patches. I was making squares, and as always, found squares very interesting and compelling. But something about the cabins Jude has been posting about spoke of...

One step at a time

We are in a winter lull. Life feels very mundane. That’s okay, I like it. It’s a very settled-in feeling. I made two more woven cloth hearts. I stitched these two together with blanket...

heart opening

I saw this demonstrated on Instagram using paper (account @the_jpp) and immediately wanted to try it with cloth. It was quite fiddly to weave, but doable. I’m enjoying the result. Something comes over me...


It’s 8 below zero at 5 pm. Supposed to reach 17 below tonight. Windy too. Hard to believe it’s that cold. People say it used to frequently get this cold during the Maine winter,...


I looked up “Candlemas.” It’s a Christian holiday that was originally a Celtic celebration of the cross-quarter day, or midpoint between the solstice and the equinox. For me personally, I decided to make it...


Something new I’m experiencing – at almost 67 years old (Thursday!). Going back to a project months or years later, continuing. Mending. Assembling and reassembling. Reusing. This feels new. Or maybe it feels old...