Category: Making


I looked up “Candlemas.” It’s a Christian holiday that was originally a Celtic celebration of the cross-quarter day, or midpoint between the solstice and the equinox. For me personally, I decided to make it...


Something new I’m experiencing – at almost 67 years old (Thursday!). Going back to a project months or years later, continuing. Mending. Assembling and reassembling. Reusing. This feels new. Or maybe it feels old...


Yesterday was a perfect day to do a little cross-country skiing in Acadia. It feels strange to post about yesterday sometimes. I feel like Grace “I’m not good at yesterday.” Today feels quite different,...

Thought feathers

Drawings are thought feathers, they are ideas that I seize in mid-flight and put down on paper. Louise Bourgeois I took a Zoom class yesterday with London Drawing Group. “Louise Bourgeois: Doodling and the...

Everything’s slow

Things are slow here. I guess that’s okay. I wanted to make some progress on a few projects today, but I also wanted to have some downtime. I think I need some extra rest....


The light snow that fell emphasizes the stillness of today. It sits quietly on everything. The pea trellis shows off its folds and turns. It’s tall, taller than I can reach, and the fencing...

Sense of smell

This morning I made muffins and soup stock. The muffins were a good way to use up pumpkin and applesauce from the fridge. The stock used up a lot of vegetables that are past...