Category: knitting


Interesting day. Different types of frozen or liquid water fell on and off all day. We tried to take a walk during a clear patch but ended up in another snow squall. Yes, it’s...

Generating joy

Every morning I write an aspiration for the day. Usually, I forget it almost immediately. Today I wrote “generate joy” – a phrase I read that stuck with me. I remembered it often during...

Knitting journey

I made a sock! I feel so proud of myself. I have to remind myself that lots of people knit socks. And this is a very basic sock pattern. I’m just feeling really impressed...

Forward into fall

The change in season had me a bit stumped for awhile. I couldn’t let go of summer. I finally let some projects show me the path forward. This corkboard sits in the corner where...

Around here

White starry asters are now blooming in the front garden. And echinacea. And one late cranebill geranium. I wanted to replace the globe thistle at the end of my perennial rock garden. I tried...

Wintry mix

Freezing rain. The car was coated with a layer of ice. We had to scrape the windshield before heading to town for groceries. The weather forecast calls for a “wintry mix.” I always pause...

Knitting and me

I am coming to an end of this shawl I started knitting in September. It has been time-consuming. When I started it, I didn’t know how long it would take. I thought – maybe...