Category: eco dyeing

Dyeing with extracts – wrapup

I brought home two plastic bottles of dye from the dyeing workshop and used these leftovers to dye some additional fabric and yarn samples. Here’s some photos.

Experiment with curve

Working on ways to integrate paper and fabric. The fabric panel was going to be a stitched collage but I decided to keep it simple. Sunlight and shadow turned out to be part of...

Dyeing with extracts

I took a workshop with Susanne Grosjean again this year. This time focusing on extracts. I learned a lot and came home with a sample card of 25 dyed yarns and a selection of...

Blizzard of Seeds

I’m excited about making another fabric concertina. I had cut some squares of gold fabric and mull quite awhile ago for no particular reason. They were just sitting around on the shelf where I...

Black walnut dyeing

I collected black walnuts last fall from a park in Danbury, Connecticut. I stored them in a plastic shopping bag and did not make any progress in processing them. Recently I was reorganizing my...

The polyozellus multiplex

We found an unusual mushroom a few weeks ago on a hike up Caribou Mountain. Tim spotted it and I can’t leave well enough alone, so I pressured Sam to pluck it and carry...

Plant portraits

Sixteen plant portraits on Hahnemühle Ingres paper I made these in preparation for Margo Klass’s concertina class tomorrow. I will need to use 8 to 12 of them for glueing into the album. When...