Category: Links

elsa’s housebook

Elsa Dorfman, Portrait Photographer Elsa’s Housebook: A Woman’s Photojournal

warming up

“Singing with Nusrat was pretty heavy,” says Eddie Vedder. “There was definitely a spiritual element. I saw him warm up once, and I walked out of the room and just broke down.” Nusrat Fateh...

bearded woman

“I live in a very liminal place,” Ms. Miller says. “‘Liminal’ means an ‘in-between place,’ ” she explains. “It means ‘in a doorway, a dawn or a dusk.’ It’s a lovely place. In the...

sylvia townsend warner

From the site Joan Hyde’s (nee Hudleston) ‘Scrap Book’ – created by David Hyde I like this image – enjoy the plants and animals swirling out of her head, and the blurriness of her...

boy in new york

traffic sun heat wind clouds streets people buildings parks sirens stairs streets balloons rain lightning Union Square Residence Hall


Dantika was another of Mahapajapati’s disciples. She often went to the forest to meditate, and perhaps lived in the forest. She did this before the rule was established that nuns could not go into...