Category: Links

authenticity / extinction

The poetry of John Ashbery also performs innumerable acts of humorously displacing the author (and his hyperactive mind) yet Ashbery remains a narrowly “human” author. The acrobatics of pronouns, riffs on tradition, sleight-of-hand appropriation...

crooked cucumber

Crooked Cucumber, interviews with poets who knew suzuki roshi: joanna kyger don allen allen ginsberg philip whalen

so a seed…

a michael palmer poem from Tom Raworth’s “InFolio” Issue N so it’s sideways

three cats

Leonora Carrington Three Cats, 20 x 25 inches, 1948, Ink and Pastel on Paper

kaz tanahashi

calligraphy, Kaz Tanahashi (flickr set) another image, friends of calligraphy dot org

we’re mouserable

Untitled by Anya Logvinova … We cockle every Wednesday so on Thursdays, sure, we’re mouserable … translation by Larissa Shmailo

from bolna to here, Kabir, Index of Mystic Songs in English 1. Where do you search me? 2. Penalty of embodiment 3. With mind immersed in Love 4. What is seen is not the truth 5. What...