Category: garden


It is a trick, or should I call it a technique, that I’m learning. Grace called it brightening, but I know it as gladdening. Gladdening the heart. That’s the phrase that comes to my...

On this planet

Sam planted the tomato row yesterday. It was buggy but not hot. Rain in the forecast, but not much. We put in fewer plants than last year. My seeds didn’t germinate well, maybe too...

Planting potatoes

The dandelions are blooming, time to plant potatoes. We’ve always planted them in the two raised beds in the back, as well as one row in the front garden. I got the back beds...

Garden quilt

Photo taken in abundant sunshine, as the weather report likes to say. I’ve changed the name of the khaki cloth to the garden quilt. It’s almost half done. I’m going to finish stitching the...


A few signs of spring. Easy to miss really, but I’m learning to pay closer attention. The catkins on the hazelnut are elongating and getting softer and yellower. They’ve been there all winter but...

Fresh color

A new color wheel, design shared by my friend who got it from her teacher. Primaries, secondaries, tertiaries and an inner circle of neutralized colors (a bit of complementary added). I’m working on some...