Category: garden

New growth

Today is the spring equinox! Time for a hoophouse update. Yes, there are living plants in there that were planted last fall and overwintered. I don’t want to jinx it. A lot could still...

Autumn milestone

Garlic is planted! My favorite crop. It’s so trouble free. No deer predation. No diseases (so far), doesn’t suffer from slugs or snails. Magically appears in the spring after planting in the fall, when...

End of September garden with surprises

I spent a few peaceful hours in the garden this afternoon. The only sound was crickets and the occasional soft cluck of a chicken. There’s a definite fall feeling – not sad – but...

Around here

White starry asters are now blooming in the front garden. And echinacea. And one late cranebill geranium. I wanted to replace the globe thistle at the end of my perennial rock garden. I tried...

rain, wind, onions

We are going through the outskirts of Hurricane Lee. It’s dark, noisy with wind. lots of rain. Not that unusual. The only plans we had today were to participate in workday at the community...

It’s a process

All the tomatoes are coming at once. The windowsill and much of two counters by the stove are covered with them. I really love those yellow-orange ones. They are like the sun. Oddly enough,...

Late summer in the hoophouse

We put the cover back on the hoophouse. The idea was that it would trap some heat in there and help ripen the tomatoes and tomatillos that are growing there. Ever since we did...