Category: events

heart opening

I saw this demonstrated on Instagram using paper (account @the_jpp) and immediately wanted to try it with cloth. It was quite fiddly to weave, but doable. I’m enjoying the result. Something comes over me...

Meandering toward 2023

It’s been a strange week. I don’t work anymore “outside the home” as they used to say, but I still have a sensation of being off work. I feel on hiatus, yet everything continues...

Trees and snow

What a storm. We are having perfect weather here for Christmas Eve, in the 20’s (F) and snowing lightly. The power is out. But we have a generator and a woodstove. No trees fell...


I went with relatives to the Gardens Aglow light show at the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens yesterday. It was a long drive even though I was only a passenger and I feel groggy today....

Fair 2

A few more random photos from the fair. It already seems distant – or rather integrated into our way of life here at home. As a sign of that integration — we bought two...

Fiber at the Fair

I’m always overcome by the predominance of wool at the fair as an agricultural product. I know now there are other fairs that focus on fleece, wool, yarn, etc. But this fair was the...


Saturday there was a cruise on a catamaran in Saco Bay (Southern Maine). My sister and her husband from Delaware came up to visit and my sister in Saco chartered this boat ride. Different...