“talking forest”
The Elm said this like a wisper Alicia Cohen, “Talking Forest,” ecopoetics 1, page 20 Like this a lot. Something about that word “wisper” is so attractive. What would a wisper be. I like...
The Elm said this like a wisper Alicia Cohen, “Talking Forest,” ecopoetics 1, page 20 Like this a lot. Something about that word “wisper” is so attractive. What would a wisper be. I like...
More from the Editor’s Statement. (Eventually, I will get past the Editor’s Statement.) Perhaps we will begin to revalue the “nature walk,†and to venerate the humble, empirical tasks of “natural history,†in ways...
JS speaking of the absence of “walks” in today’s best poetry: Whether this is because poetry has turned the bulk of its energies toward accomodating, or resisting, capitalist “schizophrenia†(symptom in part of the...
conditions for outside discoveries, in human language arts at the turn the millenium, feel narrow: generally, walks do not make it into the embattled environment of today’s best poetry. JS, ecopoetics 01, page 5...
I want to engage with ecopoetics journal. As an audience, as an amateur. I read through Issue 1. I have a lot of comments. Why not put it on the blog?