Category: Cycling

123 loop ride

33.7 miles 11.9 mph average speed up route 124 into New York cross on Rte 35 down route 123 back home breakfast at Blind Charlie’s Cafe in Scott’s Corners enjoyable ride in spite of...

rowayton ride

17 miles 11.5 average speed scone and coffee at Brendan’s 101 hill at Bluff Road not as bad as I remember it cloudy but very humid lovely water views and lots of flowers (lilies...

tod’s point ride

19.5 miles 10.9 average speed start – 5:50 am had to get to tod’s point before 7:00 to get in without a day pass cloud cover early; brighter later, fairly cool rabbits (many), one...

little tuesday ride

17.2 miles 10.8 average speed early morning to Arcadia coffee shop, Old Greenwich and back side trip to Tod’s Point, but couldn’t enter without a pass (being after 7am) hot and steamy rode through...

valencia ride

21 miles 9.2 average speed To Valencia Luncheria for breakfast and back Stamford to Norwalk hot and humid met 2 people having breakfast who had also ridden in the 5-boro bike tour

bloomin metric

46.4 miles average speed 10.3 found little hills very challenging and a rain storm chased us at the end

five boro

First tour of the season BikeNewYork Five Boro Bike Tour 43.7 miles by the time we got back to the car parked on Essex Street average speed 8.2 (lots of walking)