Category: birds

Autumn arrives

It’s been raining heavily most of the day. A solemn feeling. Yesterday I walked. And took these photos of weathered wood (decorated) and wild turkeys. And I was finally able to take a photo...


Beautiful morning, a touch of fog. Lots of dew. Wondering if color and shape from the external world seep into me unconsciously. The softness of this fog bank, the fluffy edges. I was starting...

The bluebird of happiness

I am happy to say we saw this bluebird on our bird feeder today AND then checking out the vacant bluebird house in the side yard. There are bluebirds nesting near us, through the...

Late snow

I woke up to a fresh snowfall. I am one who loves snow at any time. This time of year, I’m always thinking this might be the last snow for awhile. Junco at the...