Author: cednie

undeliverable 2001

…that story unraveled as tho it had been written down since Day 1 in the great dusty blue velvet Book of Joyluck. How did you know my birthday comes later this month and you...

poised or ? posied? poesied?

I don’t like poetry all type type type I appreciate the other components paper image putting it together If there is community or not I can stand it There comes a point when I...

one last

march – one last snowfall people trudging home in it’s celestial crystals


dajn goddajn shim more doggajn shim it’s everywhere nothing you can do


discouraging as an artichoke membranes of remembrance amends of Germans and germs English like tea their landscape is never as open as my home in the cove my blue home in the snow I...


(favoritfrase) like manyirons in the fire tiny curlbirdfeathers in my driveway this morning a small explosion of fluffy gray commas I wish I wish I had been there to see it happen or at...

slight peccadillo

More chinar concepts: “Druskin invented the chinar term a certain equilibrium with a slight peccadillo in 1933. Its meaning is deliberately vague, but the peccadillo is, as it were, departure from dead symmetry by...