Author: cednie

meaning schmeaning

Birkerts doesn’t like Ashbery’s poems. He says they’re nihilist. He says “I can only report on the defensive reflexes that their insistent refusal of meaning triggers in me.” (SB, p235) And, linking JA with...

irritable reaching

when I want writing to be like weaving, regular, with a pattern, over and over, front and back, side to side when I want writing to be like knitting, taking a thread, working it...

the short form

not much time to write interpersonal existence a lot going on I like the ice and snow scape outside my window

intellect and other thoughts

A weighty topic. I’m reading John Ashbery, An Introduction to the Poetry, by David Shapiro. It’s a thrill. It’s just difficult enough that it’s hard to read more than a few pages at a...

pink dew of afterthoughts

I bought a copy of Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror, by John Ashbery. I’ve been carrying it around with me like a secret. It might be a perverse attraction. His writing is just so...

the land of the shí

This sense of being in a place–mythic, geographical, or emotional–of creativity is what she calls ‘The Land of the Shí,’ the title of a new sequence of poems in Cornucopia, her most recent book…....

bare bones

Empty time, empty time, silence, a thousand tiny lights. All I really have to do is try to keep warm. Cuddle vest, chenille sweater, soft jacket, down jacket. Long johns, corduroys, socks one, socks...