Author: cednie

merrily merrily merrily

Repotted the poinsettia which had dropped all its green leaves, leaving only its red, quite considerate for Valentine’s Day. Bought red and white candles, fat ones and tall ones, and a cherry strudel. Roses...

ok chorale

Exercises in deletion, fragmentation, hiding, compulsion. I’d like to make word theory, poem theory, not by thinking, but by doing. I was there before. I’ve been there. I know the route. I feel eager,...

freaking A

I am swooning my way through Ashbery, swanning, swimming. Shapiro is fantastically subtle, describing the most elusive effects simply perfectly. I identify with this very much: For Ashbery, the poem remains, it is true,...


At the meeting Monday night, I felt Spirit lurking like a big round friendly beast. An almost physical sensation of a large area of power off to the side of the room just beyond...

free verse

I’m still reading John Hollander’s Rhyme’s Reason, A Guide to English Verse. It was tough going through the accentual, syllabic, and accentual-syllabic section. Something about counting units, either accented or syllabic, and memorizing and...

from the closet

Some of the poems have a shape, some don’t. I chickened out and let other people read them. Immediately I felt this was a mistake. I wanted to take over and perform them, because...

poet’s progress

A silly idea: Create a poem entitled Treesome which is Ashbery’s Some Trees in reverse. It reads very well backwards. I made some more quick edits to Untitled Poetry Manuscript. I’m taking it out...