Author: Catherine

Knitting journey

I made a sock! I feel so proud of myself. I have to remind myself that lots of people knit socks. And this is a very basic sock pattern. I’m just feeling really impressed...

Bear Road walk

It seemed like an ordinary walk, but reflecting and looking back at these photos – it was taking steps into a transcendent realm. And an eagle posed for this shot, near the pond’s outlet....


I made some pages for a handmade book. I painted large sheets on both sides before tearing down and folding into pages. First step, applied gesso using stencils. This made some almost invisible motifs...

Autumn milestone

Garlic is planted! My favorite crop. It’s so trouble free. No deer predation. No diseases (so far), doesn’t suffer from slugs or snails. Magically appears in the spring after planting in the fall, when...

Thursday bike ride

Second year in a row, we take some bike rides in Acadia National Park in October. It’s a great time for us to go to the park. Summer crowds are gone. Weather can still...


I almost have enough squares to complete the garden quilt. (The top left has a 3×3 standing in for a 4×4.) The top third is not stitched together, just laid out on a trial...

Observing microseasons

I like the Japanese idea of dividing the year into small parts, microseasons. You can find the poetic names for the 72 ancient Japanese microseasons online. Why did they settle on these names? Were...