Mid March

4 Responses

  1. Nancy says:

    Oh, man…I love this binding and I can’t wait to see the whole piece put together! These colors are great.
    I agree with you on the ‘gloomy’ mood. I had to shut down from any news today and have taken to watching interior design videos, which are fun, creative, energizing and relaxing at the same time. They are also nothing I will actually act upon, but something to creatively dream with. I told my tax guy that I felt like a real ninny doing my taxes, like a good little citizen. Oy. I think I need to make some new lists of things to do – production and distraction. Still mending the quilt here and there (hard to stay motivated). Be well.

    • Catherine says:

      Thanks for your solidarity, Nancy. I feel better reading your comment 🙂 I treasure any little bits of motivation I can muster. Maybe it’s a form of resistance.

  2. Liz A says:

    I’m frequently stumped by how best to finish quilt edges … I’m looking forward to seeing what you come up with (ditto on the dyeing workshop)

    meantime, the colors of the patches are absolutely perfect for St Patrick’s Day!!

    • Catherine says:

      Yes, St. Patrick Day! I think I could find advice online about finishing the quilt edges, but instead I’m stubbornly figuring it out “my way.” As far as dyeing, I really like doing it once a year in Susanne Grosjean’s workshops instead of doing it at home on my own.

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