Mid March
My mood is gloomy. Winter is hanging on. Over the past few days I got some things done though.
- Taxes sent off, whew. Although why I bother, when billionaires will likely take my money…
- Started going through photos that have been boxed up since we moved in 2016
- Worked on the food co-op order for next week
- Scoured and mordanted some hemp and hemp-silk fabric for a dyeing workshop next Saturday
- Worked on a binding for the garden quilt, now coming out of its long rest
For the binding, I found some fabrics in my stash to use. Most of them are remnants from a Women’s Club yard sale a year (two?) ago. I like how they coordinated. And the colors are summery.
I was going to use them in long strips, then realized that was a lazy person’s idea. I was then thinking of pieced triangles but after reading about it, decided that was too difficult due to cuts on the bias. So I settled on 2” squares. I did A LOT of math to figure out how much I needed, calculations I didn’t really trust. Nothing like laying out the squares as they’ll be when stitched (below).

The binding on this quilt is going to be unusual. I want it to appear only on the back, to avoid disturbing the look of the front. I’m making it up as I go. My sister sent me a natural colored linen tablecloth which will be perfect for the backing. So the components are coming together. Onward.

Oh, man…I love this binding and I can’t wait to see the whole piece put together! These colors are great.
I agree with you on the ‘gloomy’ mood. I had to shut down from any news today and have taken to watching interior design videos, which are fun, creative, energizing and relaxing at the same time. They are also nothing I will actually act upon, but something to creatively dream with. I told my tax guy that I felt like a real ninny doing my taxes, like a good little citizen. Oy. I think I need to make some new lists of things to do – production and distraction. Still mending the quilt here and there (hard to stay motivated). Be well.