Blue Hill

8 Responses

  1. Nancy says:

    Catherine~ What a lovely way to spend a day!! I too am nervously wondering what will change and how quickly. I want to hide under a pillow. But, when I read this MLK quote tonight, I know I can’t hide entirely.
    “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” ~MLK

  2. Liz A says:

    blue is the perfect color for today … I remember learning in grade school that the blue field of the American flag stood for valor, so I looked up the definition and it fits: “strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter danger with firmness” (

    • Catherine says:

      Valor, how perfect. Thanks for that definition. I didn’t realize until after I wrote the post that Blue Hill has blue in the name. Very meaningful.

  3. Marti says:

    What a serene Saturday Catherine. Your kanji scroll holds such calm and beauty and so fitting to give to your friend for the loss of her trees.

    I did not make an amulet this weekend, as I thought ,but instead, made a cloth talisman. The need to make something with my hands this weekend was so strong and necessary to me. . It is a wee cloth but powerful and hangs by our front door as protection for us and all who come into our home. It was blessed by candle light and words spoken over my Celtic altar before placement. Made with pieces of naturally dyed cloth from here in New Mexico, it also contains an imprint of a tiny eucalyptus leaf from my grandson in CA because CA is so on my mind and heart, a sprig of fresh sage for protection was stitched to the cloth and topped with a green bead from my CA granddaughter who knows I love all things green. Blessed be all who believe in democracy, in caring for each other, our communities and this earth we call home…

    • Catherine says:

      Blessed be, for sure. Thanks for sharing your practices, Marti. Somewhere I have a book on amulets and talismans, I’ll look for it.

  4. grace says:

    love this. it would be like going home for me…back to the town in Michigan, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan town, where i lived my young adult years

    • Catherine says:

      I was in Ann Arbor for a brief visit maybe 1977? My boyfriend’s sister was at U of M. I remember it being a nice town.

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