We leave for Reykjavik
But first – a fierce windstorm and a major tree emergency.
The top of this huge pine snapped off in the wind. It got snagged in the overhead wires and came to rest in the driveway, blocking us in. And we were supposed to leave for Boston’s Logan Airport by 9:30 am!
If I weren’t so stressed by the whole situation, I would have taken better photos. With the help of a tractor, pickup truck, chainsaw, sawzall, and manual labor (me), Sam got the tree trunk clear of the wires. The driveway was more or less passable.
The power is out in the whole area. The good news: we are in Boston in plenty of time for our flight. And the electric company showed up (!) in our driveway and said they’d finish the cleanup and tighten up the wires. I’m counting on them. Meanwhile, I’m going to try to relax.

Catherine~ Aw, man!! Breathe and enjoy your trip ???? I look forward to your photos when you return.
Breathe – good reminder. I’m almost back to normal now after adrenaline rush, jet lag, etc.
how amazing … I just finished reading this post about Glennis’ trip to Iceland https://shiborigirl.wordpress.com/2024/12/12/iceland/
Thanks for the link, Liz! It was fun seeing Glennis’s post about her trip. We just saw the Christmas Cat – I never heard about it before.
Oh golly, what unfortunate timing! I would have been frantic. Have a great time in Iceland.
All’s well that end’s well, they say. Our power is back on at home, saving our pipes from freezing and our frozen food from unfreezing. And we are having fun on our trip.