Red sky
The sunrise was very bright this morning. It was exciting even though it only lasted a few minutes. It’s supposed to rain/snow, but not until tomorrow night. So I’m not sure what this “sailor’s warning” was all about. But I appreciate the light and color.

I’m knitting a Nimbus cowl, a free pattern from Purl Soho. It’s very popular with my knitting friends – I think I’m the last one of four people to make one. We are going to Iceland on December 12-17 and I want to wear it on the trip. I’ve reached the stage where I’ve dropped Yarn A, the green yarn, and am continuing with just Yarn B, the very light, very fuzzy blue yarn. It’s a new knitting experience working with such diaphanous yarn. I decided to hold it double.

The yarn is so thin it’s hard to see. It’s hard to believe I won’t make a mistake and drop a stitch or part of a stitch. I’m trying to be careful but I’m also eager to finish! I am loving the transition row and the feel of the fuzzy texture. So I have to stop regularly to stroke it with my fingers. Very enjoyable.

Beautiful Catherine! I’m sure it will be a joy to wear.
I hope so! It’s been lovely to look at.
Dana~ Oh, this is beautiful and you will be in a world of cozy while wearing it! What a beautiful sky that is. My best friend’s mom is Icelandic. My friend has been to visit the homeland. 🙂
My background is English and German. I have a romantic attachment to the Scandinavian countries though.
Oh my that is super fine! What a soft layer to brush against your face… Enjoy your trip. I’m sure there will be yarn temptations there.
I’m looking forward to checking out the knitting options there. Icelandic sweaters, yum!